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The three heresies of the Churches


It is also important to be aware of the some of the heresies created

by churches on earth in order to be freed from them.



Purity of the teachings


This is hardly the case in a religion created on earth, since all pure

religions have been delivered and passed on. Some were put into writing

only centuries later. Over millenniums they were rewritten, translated

and even altered or parts eliminated to suit the needs of church leaders.



Religions’ truth claims


This is just as impossible since spiritual truth is always subjective,

depending on the viewer’s knowledge and overall impression.

Even the prophets had their own view of what they heard and saw.

Our own cognition and perception is worth as much as that of religious

and church clerics.



Conflict between religions


This is the worst violation a religion can commit against its old scriptures,

since all four world religions refer to the same deity and preach respect

of fellow humans and creation.


The solution to the decline of religions is ecumenism or interreligious

dialogue as the last resort of the traditional churches and foundation

for an enlightened, all-encompassing “Religio” to assist people on their path.

We now know which paths are open to us and we have a number of religious

concepts at our disposal. Regardless which path we choose to follow,

it actually works! I can confirm this from my own experience.


However, it is not easy because we ourselves must adapt in all our thinking,

feeling and being. We cannot just wait for ascension to happen,

but must redeem ourselves with our own cognition and experience.

And only when many individuals do likewise will we reach the critical

point for collective ascension.


Though they have been greatly weakened since Eioua’s presence on

earth, the dark entities remain to influence us as beings as well as world

developments. We shall proceed to take a closer look at these entities

and their dark hierarchies in the next chapter because it is important for

our overall impression and for protecting ourselves against them.

Though unpleasant, it is important to know our adversaries in order not to

fall victim to them as I did on the Mount of Moses (Mount Sinai).


In the following chapter we will learn what the light hierarchies can do for

us as far as we accept them for what they are. It will prove all the more

beautiful and enlightening because light will always prevail…





This is an excerpt from the book DEI LEGACY.