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The secret societies and their lodges


We do not want to spend an inordinate amount of time debating the

existence of lodges, as described in detail and confirmed in many

historic records and chronicles. These often global organizations do exist,

consisting of political, economic and religious leaders. They have a long

tradition in European history beginning with the Middle Ages and are in

part closely knit with royalty and the Church (i.e. proclaimed and

practiced today in Opus Dei, a league within the Catholic Church which

is closely connected to European royalty). In Christian history the

origins of the lodges go back to the British Templars, whose Crusades

were meant to protect pilgrims and spread Christianity (as well as

instigate the secret search for specific artifacts, ancient and holy

objects and relics such as the Holy Grail, the Ark of the Covenant

and others). The foremost leaders often refer to themselves as the

Illuminati (the enlightened) and believe they have been chosen to

lead the unknowledgeable masses of humanity. The largest and

mightiest lodges are covert and operate in secret, whether

consciously or otherwise, as instruments of the Asurian powers

(i.e. Thule, Skull & Bones).


By contrast, some lodges and brotherhoods now operate openly, take on

social causes, and are even publicly acknowledged, due to their inculcation

of ancient and true knowledge (i.e. Freemasons and their overseeing lodges

such as Bilderberger, Rosicrucians, among others). The basic principle is:

the more secretive, the mightier!


Incidents or defectors have enabled historical documentation of some

cases (e.g. P1 Lodge and the connection of the Vatican

to the Ambrosiano Bank).


These societies are as active as ever, negotiating with ostensible

enemies behind closed doors and steering the fate of humanity by

overriding established power and leadership structures as a matter

of fact for their own benefit and for the fulfillment of their objectives.


In this regard they are quite successful by means of their secret

connections to the leadership of all areas of concern, as well as

where their followers hold high positions:

  • Finance (money and stock market)
  • Energy (oil, electricity and nuclear energy)
  • Government (politics, states, armies)
  • Economics (production, trade and services) and
  • Information (media and telecommunication)


Their primary goal is to achieve a uniform “New World Order”

which would grant all humans peace and security under one

central leadership. Essentially not a bad idea, but at what cost?

It is a vision that prevailed not only in the Christian Middle Ages

but is also cited in the American Freemason Constitution and

Declaration of Independence of 1787 (only 224 years ago).

The term, “novus ordo seclorum” is also imprinted on the one

dollar bill – interestingly enough on the left with the great pyramid

(along with the symbolic eye at the peak and the arch stone respectively)

and on the right with a hexagram (when connecting the small stars

above the eagle).





This is an excerpt from the book DEI LEGACY.