The goals of the annual climate conference were:


We shared and defended the knowledge of our own research and the knowledge of the Original Nations as well as the proposed solutions with the Wisdom Keeper delegation at COP28 in Dubai in November 2023. And this was our Policy document.

Our Report from 

I only recently found Prof. Friedbert Pflüger around COP28 in Dubai. He too is a truly remarkable man and, like the other scientists, a visionary and bridge builder based on neutral information that he has largely developed himself over the last 40 years. This report in the Swiss newspaper WELTWOCHE brought him to my attention, because our view largely coincides.

And this is the > Report on the successes of the COP in Dubai.
I have only omitted a few sentences or changed them slightly…

The final report


This is the official final report of the COP Presidium,
the so-called CONSENSUS with the results and measures.

The 17 SDGgoals
of the United Nations for sustainable development

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals are a call to all countries – poor, rich and middle-income countries – to take action to promote prosperity while protecting the planet. They recognize that overcoming poverty must go hand in hand with strategies that promote economic growth and address a range of social needs such as education, health, social protection and employment opportunities, while tackling climate change and environmental protection.

Explanations on UN website