Geotransmitter &

Sacred Geometry  

Research, production, and distribution of Geotransmitters for transferring vibration and energy.

The name Geotransmitter is based on sacred geometry and comes from the latin word ‘transmittere’ for receiving, transferring, and sending, as well as the English word for sender, converter and transformer.

Sacred Geometry

Following vibration and frequency, space and dimension, light and color, tone and sound (finde diese differenzierung im englishen nicht), it needs a 5th counterpart to complete the material creation. Because for the manifestation of all there is, it needs sacred geometry, which carries the numbers of mathematics in it. Sacred geometry is also called the secret, hidden or hermetic geometry, as it shows what lies behind the physical existence of the universe.

The 5 Platonic Bodies*

Ultimately, there are only 5 geometric bodies within any physical existence, which underlie everything: the cube, tetrahedron, octahedron, dodecahedron, and icosahedron. The platonic bodies together constitute all basic forms, on which the structure of sacred geometry and creation are built on. Because all forms in our material world and creation are composed of one of these forms or their compounds. They are the basis of all manifestations, the atoms and crystals, the elements as well as cell structures of every living organism. Thus platonic bodies form the foundation of creation, on which everything was manifested, and allow through the connection of all the foundations of creation the manifestation of everything that we perceive around us.

Platonic bodies exhibit the following fundamental features:

– Equal edge length

– Which are confined by equally sized areas

– Equal inner angles between the areas

– In a sphere, all corner-points touch the inside of the surface


* They are called “platonic bodies” because the Greek philosopher Plato was the one who showed their true cohesion and interpretation. He describes the universal cosmology in his opus Timaios, which he based on connected geometrical structures. However, the knowledge that these 5 geometrical bodies are the foundation of the universe, was known long before Plato. In the Ashmolean museum in Oxford, one can find models of platonic bodies that are dated 3400 years old, which means 1000 years before Plato. And there are precise-made models of crystals in the museum in Cairo, which are dated 3000 years old.

All our geoforms are based on this sacred geometry and the 5 platonic bodies. They were made in special masses and selected materials and generate subtle and energetic resonance fields, which can thus be used for us.

Star Merkaba

Based on Sacred Geometry

Since the dawn of history, the shape of the MERKABA (star-tetrahedron made out of 2 tetrahedrons) has had a strong meaning and effect on humans. This is because it is so to say the vehicle of creation.

The easiest way to define a MERKABA is that it is an energy field, which formed as a star tetrahedron surrounds every life form. This geometrical light body is in constant rotation and connects our inner aspects with the God.

The symbolism of this structure is the absolute and harmonious connection of the two polaric streams in the cosmos. Only when the two are united, we are strengthened by a balanced, connected, and harmonious energy field that keeps us healthy.

> PDF Star MERKABA with applications and prices 9/2016

Star Harmony

Harmony from Sacred Geometry

GEOTRANSMITTERS are not only receivers and senders, but also connectors, because they are based on sacred geometry and therefore the foundation of creation.

Energetically balancing and harmonizing structures make those functions stronger. The STAR OF HARMONY consists of star-tetrahedron (2 tetrahedrons entwined create a MERKABA) and one octahedron (2 square-pyramids that are connected at their base).

This GEO-TRANSMITTER connects the polarity of the material world, represented by the octahedron, with the polarity of the spiritual world, represented by the tetrahedron. The tetrahedron, expressing the spiritual world embraces the octahedron, expressing the material world.

The STAR OF HARMONY encompasses these two geometrical structures, which creates an energetic field for the union and harmonization of bodily and spiritual aspects. The STAR OF HARMONY creates a spherical energetic field, which has an effect that encompasses a circuit of approx. 16 meters. Therefore, this star is suitable anywhere, where a harmonious and relaxed atmosphere is being desired.

> PDF Star HARMONY with applications and prices 9/2016

Pyramid Mintaga

The great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt

The measurements and angles of the greatest of the 3 pyramids in Giza were determined based on deep spiritual and mathematic knowledge. It starts with the startling placement, which requires the knowledge that the world is a sphere. The so-called Cheops pyramid is located on the 30th parallel. This North- South Pole divides the global landmass equally. Because this pyramid is located on the 30th parallel, it is equally distant from earth’s center, as it is from the North Pole (da stimmt was nicht bei dieser Aussage). Therefore, it’s location is a geodetic fixpoint and could have only been determined by someone who knew that the earth was a sphere, as well as the measurements of the landmasses and waters on earth! The length of one base side measures 365,342 Egyptian cubits (ich bin mir nicht sicher ob cubit der richtige ausdruck ist), which precisely equals the number of days in a year. The steep inclination angle of 52° shows the incorporation of the number Pi, because the height of initially 146,72 meters in relation to the perimeter of the base (921,44) stands in the same ratio as the radius of a circle to its scope (2 x Pi). Thus, the pyramid is also a projection of the northern hemisphere.
Therefore, the pyramid model in its precise scale of 1:1000 is in resonance with the great pyramid of Giza, and represents a powerful energy-intensifier, wherever it is placed.

> PDF Pyramid MINTAGA with applications and prices 9/2016

Pyramid Fibonacci

The Geometric Pyramid    

It corresponds to the octahedron of the platonic bodies, in which 2 equilateral square-pyramids are connected at the base (see diagram on the back). Thus, it receives and transfers its brisk and conserving energy.

The Fibonacci Sequence

It corresponds to the infinite sequence of natural numbers, which starts with twice the number 1, then the sum of two consecutive numbers always equal the immediate following number: 0, (hier steht ja grade es fängt mit zweimal der 1 an und dann ist da eine Null) 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, …

The numbers contained therein are called Fibonacci numbers. This sequence is called after Leonardo Fibonacci, who used it in 1202 to describe the population growth of rabbits. However, this sequence was already known in ancient times to the Greeks and Indians. Further research revealed, that the Fibonacci sequence can be used to describe numerous growth processes of plants as well. The Fibonacci sequence can be directly associated with the golden cut (see PDF).

> PDF Pyramid FIBONACCI with applications and prices 9/2016

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