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Together, these transformations caused by the DEI currents, the galactic alignment and the photon belt raise all frequencies in the frequency ranges of the material creation and should lead to the ascension of the entire universe.

These ascensions are, so to speak, the Plan of Redemption for the entire creation, which I will not discuss further here. Within this fantastic, loving plan of the deity and this special space-time window, we are primarily concerned with the ascension of our own consciousness and, through it, the possible ascension of souls. That will be of most use to mankind, the Earth, and us so that is where we will now concentrate.


The awakening of the souls

The number of people who awaken in their consciousness and hearts by the time of the spiritual turning point will be decisive in determining whether this ascension takes place. This awakening depends on whether they recognize themselves as creations of God, understand the connection between their existence and the developments on Earth and orient themselves spiritually on the deity and the Plan of Redemption.

Then, when the critical mass has been reached, and sufficient awakened people in turn awake the mass consciousness, we and Mother Earth will be ready for ascension.

I hope to contribute to this critical mass with my three books in the living trilogy.

Gabriel told me that all the labor of the spiritual world was aimed at allowing mankind on Earth to use the current time window that closes in 2024. Otherwise, another 26,000 years will pass before the ascension of the entire universe will again be possible. All other solar systems in our galaxy are already prepared to ascend from the Third through the Fourth into the Fifth Dimension. Only our solar system is not yet ready and that is because of the Earth and man.

That is what you need to know, because now we need to achieve the Plan of Redemption together. Every one of us counts.


The spiritual divine turning point

If this critical mass is reached and the deity gives the blessing, the true spiritual turning point will arrive, upon which the spiritual resurrection will begin and with it a new age with an expanded consciousness.

Some sources say that this turning point is an instant at which everything stands still between the inhalation and the exhalation of the deity. Religious and New Age sources speak of three to three and a half days.

Other sources and the Veda say that even this “moment” will be an age lasting around 2,160 years.

For me it is a mix, depending on the realm and cycle it affects.


The three days and nights of darkness

This has the greatest significance for us, for it is said that three days and three nights of rest and darkness will follow the galactic and spiritual turning point. Afterwards, the world will be purified and renewed.

From a scientific point of view, it will, of course, take much longer, even centuries, for the vegetation remaining after the ecological catastrophes and the global rain of ash from the volcanoes to recover and adapt to the new temperatures, even assuming there is no new ice age, which would mean millennia of standstill. If this change really took only around three days, it would truly be divine will and divine power. That is what Thoth says to the Atlanteans in the Emerald Tablets.


The light returns

However long the period is, the sun will rise again over a new world that has been purified of every artificially manufactured thing. Everything will be bright, pure and shining! It is almost unimaginable after everything that will have gone before. Everyone will acknowledge that the deity lives and has once again saved and elevated us.


Signs in the heavens

Then, according to the prophecies in the apocalypses, we will see “signs in the heavens” and “signs from heaven”. There are three types of these signs:

– The astronomical signs.

– The apocalyptical signs.

– The spiritual signs, whose possible manifestations we will now consider more closely.


The astronomical signs or signs that everyone CAN see

These signs will not be visible in the sky with the naked eye, but rather will require knowledge of the matter.

We already know three of them:

– The alignment of the planets in our solar system on December 21, 2012.

– The galactic alignment is probably the largest galactic sign.

– The photon belt, through which our solar system is moving.

Many scientists and alternative authors have already researched and documented these events, but many people still consider them “coincidences”.


The apocalyptical signs or signs that everyone WILL see

These signs will be visible to all of humanity for a long period of time and will not be able to be dismissed as coincidence. Some speak of light and fire phenomena, like those described by John in the Book of Revelation, or color phenomena that will illuminate everything with different colors (much like the Northern Lights, but all around the world). Others say they will be Christian symbols like the fish or cross, which are both drawn with two lines, representing the connection of “above” with “below”.

Others speak of shapes from the Sacred Geometry of creation, such as the Merkabah, pyramid or dodecahedron (Christ grid).


The spiritual signs or signs for awakened souls

Souls will recognize the spiritual signs for the individual spiritual path within themselves as a result of their consciousness, which will have emerged in a new spirit and their acceptance of the deity and the Plan of Redemption. Their levels of consciousness will expand and they will recognize their own path.

Interior and exterior spaces that have always been there, but which we (still) are unable to perceive consciously, will open up to the awakening souls.

All senses will sharpen and intensify. This will be perceived fastest when color perception intensifies. The eyes are a good example for the expansion of the senses, for we humans see with our human eyes only about 30% of what is possible in the terrestrial light and color spectrum. If this were to increase to 60%, we would not only see much deeper and in more detail (even ethereal things), but also at night (as certain animal species can).

But these internal signs will not be perceptible to everyone and will have quite varied appearances to those who do notice them. Some will see less and others nothing at all as long as they remain in fear and doubt and do not take the step of inner transition.


Appearance of the beings

Afterwards, spiritual beings will appear to us and astonish us with their abilities, knowledge and teachings. They will guide us until we have found our new form of life and settled into it.


The second coming of Christ

These appearances of various signs and beings will accompany us through the last part of the turning point before Jesus Christ reveals himself again to God’s family. This corresponds to the second coming of Christ as prophesied in the gospels – no longer as the human incarnation of the Son of God on Earth, but rather as the son-aspect of the deity with all of his power – as the free spirit of love and the redeeming power that reveals itself to mankind anew for the salvation of their souls. However, some Christian and most esoteric sources claim that He will “only” reveal himself to the “spiritually alive” or “God’s family”, which is a crucial distinction. This is a significant difference, for Christ’s return will not occur in the Third Dimension, but after ascension of creatures into the Fifth Dimension of Being. He will reveal Himself to these awakened and ascended souls in the finer levels as a loving king, healer and savior. He will then unify the souls who come to Him of their own free will out of love and lead them into a higher sphere.



For this to happen, the spread of Christ-consciousness on Earth is crucial. But what is this Christ-consciousness really, about which Paul wrote and which now appears with increasing frequency in other religious, spiritual and esoteric sources? Simply put, I believe it to be the conscious spirit of love for the deity, our fellow beings, ourselves and the whole of the divine creation; or as Paul describes it, in a heightened perception and beautiful image:

“Not I, but Christ Who dwells within me.”


It helps to recognize the DEI Christ aspect incarnated as Jesus in order to plant the new seed of love, for we are children of the deity whom he will lead back home:

“I am the way, the truth, and the life:
no man cometh unto the Father but by me.”

(John 14:6, KJV


“Jesus has rendered us ordinary people a very valuable service, in that He “descended” (His frequency slowed down) from a very high state of consciousness to normal human consciousness (dual consciousness) and then from there went into resonance with the Christ Grid (ascended). […] This concerns the consciousness that Jesus achieved and which He encourages us to also achieve (follow in His footsteps). This “Christ Consciousness” is the next stage of consciousness in our spiritual development. We will go through all of them automatically when we awaken spiritually. It is simply the next step in our spiritual evolution. […]

The problem now is achieving this field of consciousness and going with Him into resonance. The first step is figuring out how to change one’s own frequency. This is done by changing one’s energy and emotions in the direction of love, joy, light, freedom, safety, peace, etc. […].”

(Dahl – VII.5)


Jesus Christ has shown us and lived the path of love and brought us the truth of our divine existence and spiritual life, and only in this consciousness can we return to the divine unity.

And it is in this consciousness that we can and should follow Him, even if it means daily devotion and some self-discipline, especially in reflecting on and directing our thoughts. Let us therefore simply bask in love, abstain from evaluation and judgment, and rid ourselves of recognized habits and patterns in our minds and everyday lives. If we truly adopt and attempt to live this mindset, our entire being changes, as does our behavior towards our fellow human beings and in society, business and environmental protection. This consciousness is not bound to the Christian religions because every person who feels and acts in this way lives in Christ-consciousness, no matter what he calls his deity or where he lives and exerts his influence.


Testing of souls (the Last Judgment)

And it is just this that is the object of the judgment of souls – the determination of their Christ-consciousness, their spiritual attitudes and their love from a spiritual point of view, and, of course, the application of all of these in daily life and conduct toward fellow beings and creation. Not what we have thought, but what we have done will count. This is exactly what is actually meant by the Last Judgment, namely that every creature is its own judge and will only be “judged” (recognized and classified) on how it lived its divine spark and used its free will.

There is no deity sitting over us in judgment. On the contrary, it wants to save us from the material cycles if we recognize them and wish to be saved. Our own individual decisions and actions will determine which part of humanity we will join as we continue our journey.




The ascension of souls can occur in the ascension of the material creation from the Third through the Fourth to the Fifth Dimension (collectively) or, if that does not work, as previously: each individual on his own spiritual path. But let us work together to do everything in our power to make the ascension of our solar system and Christ’s Plan of Redemption possible. Only mankind can do that and mankind is the sum of all of us. Only the individual can change the collective.


Individual ascension 

In this window of time, we have been granted individual soul ascension that is significantly easier than otherwise. Through the Christ-consciousness which we will receive and which will save us, God’s family’s search will be over. Whether or not collective ascension is achieved, it pays to take this path. It now really depends on each one of us, and the more of us there are who achieve the ascension of the consciousness, the better the chances for the collective.

The old excuse that “I can’t change anything because I have no influence over the other seven billion people in the world” no longer applies.


Collective ascension

When a certain number of individual souls have awoken and turned to the deity, a collective ascension of the beings along with Mother Earth and our solar system will occur. The critical mass is one third of mankind, which must be achieved for the divine requirements to be fulfilled. It is still the intention and hope of all light beings that we will ascend together. They are accompanying us even though most of us cannot yet perceive them.

Let us allow these insights to open us to the largest possible effect for everything that lives on Earth and to enable us to take the greatest step in our development towards a better world, peace and love and a completely new experience of our being. The spiritual world and the divine hierarchy will assist us.


The defectors who remain

There will be many people who remain in the Third Dimension (the proportion often cited is one third). They will choose to continue on their godless paths of their own free will and endure at least one more cycle of 26,000 years involving many incarnations. To whom this happens will also depend on their consciousness and actions; not all of them will remain in the 12 dimensions of planet Earth.


Descent of the defectors (Asuras) 

Many of them will even descend from the Third through the Second and into the First Dimension – back to the beginning, so to speak.

As readers of Volume II: DEI LEGACY already know, we here on Earth are vulnerable to the attacks and counteractions of the Asura hierarchy. Haniel (Lucifer) and Satan, their leaders and self-appointed gods of the material creation, naturally want to prevent this ascension of souls because it would mean loss of influence on Earth for them. But they will not succeed this time; I have been told that they no longer have as much power over our souls if we turn to the deity.

But the Asuras will not rest, and wherever their denizens influence politics, economics and science, they will try to prevent or at least slow all changes and developments. They will all descend.


Ascension into the Fifth Dimension

Those who have already achieved Christ-consciousness (the chosen souls) will ascend from the Third through the Fourth and into the Fifth Dimension.

The Fourth Dimension of interactions has already been partially achieved and overcome because in the ascension of souls, we will actually be moving through the dimensions with odd numbers, from the Third/Fourth to Fifth/Sixth to Seventh/Eighth to Ninth/Tenth to Eleventh/Twelfth and finally the Thirteenth Dimension, which represents and enables transition into the spiritual world.

The dimensions with even numbers connect the odd-numbered dimensions and, as “transitional dimensions”, bear the qualities of both the preceding and the following dimensions within them.


Life in the Fifth Dimension

The ascended humans will then live in the qualities and possibilities of the Fifth Dimension, where everything we think and feel is expressed and manifested much more quickly. The senses and perceptions of the Fifth Dimension are somewhat higher in vibration and will require some getting used to at the beginning, but we will be lovingly accompanied by many light beings. This does not mean that we will cease to live on the Earth, however; we will simply do so in a higher dimension, where many other creatures and God races already live. We will be able to perceive them in the same way we perceive each other here on Earth. Many will return to other solar systems, to their peoples and races, and some will remain here to help the defectors. Every being will be able to choose out of its divine spark and its own free will.


These events are mentioned in a somewhat complicated formulation, yet one which provides absolutely marvelous spiritual contexts, in Prof. J.J. Hurtak’s “Keys of Enoch”:

Key 1-1-6

“20 Enoch also explained how the Great White Brotherhood governs the People of God in the twelve time warps of Light which allow the magnetic fields in the meridians of the earth to be activated to work in a higher dimension of Light.

21 They activate the Earth’s magnetic spectrum and electromagnetic fields to operate in parallel phase. They activate the light in a given sun system to move into a higher dimensional movement of light through crystalline field alignments.

22 The new crystalline field establishes itself through light codes over vortices, so that when the Merkabah pyramid of Light comes down upon the geophysical energy pyramid the two pyramids form a crystlline corridor. […]

24 Within light harmonics the remnant seed is prepared to experience the changing of the Magnetic patterns of incarnation and recreation.

25 These harmonics of light open up the energies of the third eye and the energy chakra grids within the body so that the remnant seed can participate simultaneously with the magnetic grids all over the Earth, as we are gathered into the magnetic grids for deliverance.

26 This graduation of the Earth’s species to other levels of star creation follows as the effect of changes that have occurred on higher levels throughout the entire universe.

27 Therefore, the Great White Brotherhood must activate the fields of the Earth’s crystal, yet maintain the harmonics of the Earth’s creation until those who will go to other planets are taken into space through the Merkabah vehicles of Light from the twelve geophysical time warps of the Earth. After this takes place, the attachment of Merkabah to the Magnetic harmonics of the Earth allows for the majority of the physical creation to spiral directly with the Earth into another orbital frequency.”

(Hurtak – VII.13)


More in-depth information about ascension can be found in DEI LEGACY page 407 ff.


How can we prepare?

We now know that this is a turning point and not the end time.

What it will look like for us personally, mankind in general and Mother Earth is in our hearts, minds and hands.

This realization is crucial to recognizing the opportunities in it and receiving faith, hope and courage instead of retreating into fear, doubt and despair.

There are great plans and loving helpers will guide us through this eventful turning point; we belong together and are ultimately one.


Return to what we are, children of God, full of light and love

If we recognize that we are beings of light from the divine creation and stop evaluating, judging and pursuing only the material and superficial, we can pause to reflect. Let us reflect on what is truly important to us as a race and as individuals.

The divine plan actually intended us to be guardians of our Earth and creators of our future. It is our task to ensure that we care for Mother Earth and preserve her natural resources, live with as little environmental impact as possible, produce regionally, eat a healthy diet and review every action to ensure that it truly benefits humans and animals.

It is up to us, to each individual, to take this path in and for ourselves. And never forget: mankind is nothing but the sum of the beings that compose it, and in some crucial events, as we have just seen, every single human soul counts.

That means you.

Use this opportunity to exercise your power.

Following this path is actually not that difficult. After all, we are fundamentally spiritual beings in material bodies and do not come from the Earth.

Therefore, it is important that we recognize all aspects of ourselves and become self-aware: aware of who we are, where we come from and where we are going.

We should be truthful and loving to ourselves and from this attitude begin the inner search for our origins, the source of all existence. But we must do so from personal experience, for that is the only way we will increasingly feel this source of light, the divine spark, burning within us.

We will replace old negative thoughts and patterns with healing positive thoughts and ideas for ourselves, our fellow men and the plants and animals. We will thus become compassionate and helpful beings, as conscious as possible of who we are, what we are doing and what consequences our actions may entail. We will live and work with increasing focus on the light and on the deity’s creation, which will be reinforced in our consciousness and become more powerful than we can imagine. Then we will live and work accordingly, increasingly in harmony with ourselves and our environment, and our internal conflicts in various areas will dissipate. You will finally be happy.


Love as the key to ourselves, our fellow beings and the deity 

This return and “I am” reflection requires that we accept ourselves as we are now, with all of our strengths, weaknesses and bad habits, which we can change at any time. Only then can we accept, like or even love ourselves. Those who cannot love themselves will find it difficult to love their fellow beings, the deity or creation. But if we succeed, we will understand our fellow men much better and be better able to accept them as they are at the moment and find a completely new approach to them:


“To love someone means to see him as God intended him.”

(Fjodor Dostojewski)


Love, with its many aspects and forms, is the key that connects us with everything. How varied are even the forms of love and emotion in our human existence, those we feel for our parents, siblings, partners or children! These forms of love generally come easiest when they are natural, that is, when we are loved back. Charity for one’s neighbors is more difficult. It is easy to love those who clearly enjoy our company, but who can love his opponents or even his enemies, as Jesus did? Even more difficult is completely selfless love that expects nothing in return. But if we attempt it, this love and care for ourselves and our fellow beings, for the deity and his creation and “everything-that-is” will guide us.

Such a transformation does not happen overnight, of course, but very soon you will begin to experience thoughts and feelings that are completely new. It is a healing process for which you should repeatedly remind yourself to take some time in order to enter contemplation, find yourself and enter the all-comprehending love.

Jesus Christ has shown us the way in the “New Testament of Love”, and He has gone ahead as a Father, Brother, Teacher and Role Model who embodies the redemptive power of God’s love. In order to receive His saving power and the Holy Spirit, we can always – through the divine spark in our hearts – turn to the deity. At the moment we think of and consciously connect with the deity, we achieve direct resonance; love is the greatest power and the strongest connection in the divine creation. And if at any time, for any reason whatsoever, it is too much for you to turn to the deity (as it was for me because I still felt like a “sinner”), then simply pray with your guardian beings. They will connect you to your spiritual and the divine family. And it is never too late, no matter how you lived yesterday, if you truly desire to change your life. It is important to simply prepare in quiet contemplation and address your guardian beings or the deity directly. Only if we address them and accept them of our own free will can and will they help us, for this is the divine will. The simplest approach is an individual prayer from an open and honest heart, but many beautiful prayers from various religions can be used, foremost among them the “Lord’s Prayer” that Jesus Christ taught us.

I wish you light and love for your own path, the world’s path and the turning point, through which we will travel together – with Mother Earth.

Rico Paganini


This is just a small excerpt from the book GAIA LEGACY