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With the publishing of Volume III, the “Trilogy of the Living Legacies” is now completed, and with it a comprehensive overview of the material and spiritual worlds to enable you to recognize and experience the connections, the turning point and your own potential.


Where do we come from? 

The aim of Volume 1 GIZA LEGACY (October 2010) was to update the essential facts and body of proof from the book “The Giza Wall”, published in January 2005, to share the current state of knowledge, with the since completed section above the underground complex and the Hall of Records. The new second half of the book includes the builders of these megalithic complexes, augmented with the prehistoric history, from the Lemurians, to the Atlanteans to the pharaohs, as well as the historical and scientific history and discovers in Giza. This places the history of humanity in a new light and allows us to recognize where we come from as descendents of the first divine human lines on Earth.


Who are we?

The aim of Volume II DEI LEGACY (January 2012) was to provide the spiritual-metaphysical connection, because only is this way is the comprehensive context of the legendary structures in Giza recognizable and understandable; they indicate the four aspects of divinity and the ascension of souls. And it brings together our divine origin, matrix and potential, as well as the history and connections of human existence through the present day. This book also traces the divine family, the creation story, the fall of souls and the history of humankind so that we can be aware of why we are here on Earth. Thus is revealed the divine Plan of Redemption and the turning point in which we can recognize who and what we are, specifically, divine beings moving through the spiritual world. The speculations regarding the year 2012 were also clarified through the 4-cycle Mayan calendar, the Vedas, astrology and the Great Pyramid in Giza, all of which are based on the galactic conjunction. These showed that the turning point extends across decades and does not happen on a certain date. I received some criticism for this point, but meanwhile we all know that this is the truth and that the world was not destroyed on December 12, 2012.


Where are we going?

The aim of Volume III GAIA LEGACY (March 2015) is now to convey the old new knowledge about Mother Earth, that she is a living organism and is conscious, is the embodiment of the Earth until it reaches the next step in the dimension ascension. This is the meaning and purpose of the divine creation of the material world. This process of ascension is closely connected energy grids circling GAIA and the point places that lie on its intersections.

Everything is very dense in three-dimensionality, or to put it differently, full of low vibrations. The new state of existence will vibrate at a higher level so that the healing Plan of Redemption can be fulfilled. This not only plans for the ascension of souls, but the lifting of all material creation from the 3rd to the 5th dimension. That is where we are going. The question is only HOW, since Mother Earth is close to collapsing as a result of global environmental destruction and climate change. But it still is not too late…


Trilogy of the Living Legacies

Therefore the meaning and purpose of this trilogy is that through the historical awareness provided in GIZA LEGACY we know WHERE WE COME FROM, though the spiritual awareness provided in DEI LEGACY we know WHO WE ARE, and through the earthly awareness provided in GAIA LEGACY we can decide WHERE WE ARE GOING…

Hence you have an overview of how these three essential questions and area are inseparably linked and how we can proceed and act at this turning point in our matrix and with our divine potential. That is our power!


Causes and effects

HOW we think and act form the causes and thus all future and effects from our consciousness and actions. Equally applicable, however, are what we do not yet recognize and do not do. It is an interaction of passivity, action, reaction and interaction. So let‘s take an active role, because we have the power to change the world…

“Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause!”

(6. Hermetic Principle)

If a person knows their true history and divine origin, and has an overview of the present turning point in which they move, then they recognize the possibilities and the right path. Such people become loving (of themselves), self-aware, courageous and responsible, and from this overview perceive, recognize and act differently than before. In this way, they have turned towards creation, their souls and divinity, and will be uplifted.

These three volumes of the “Trilogy of the Living Legacies” represent the current state of what is known today across all areas of knowledge and, at the same time, are also spiritually guided books, in which higher dimensional beings have also added their perspective. Only when the material and the spiritual worlds and developments are integrated can attain an overview of existence.

I look forwarding to accompanying you through this special turning point and hope that the three legacies shed light for you on the foundations, connection and possibilities.





It can also be said that my own path of knowledge – from being fully disenchanted, to interested, then towards believing and my own individual uplifting, led through these three questions and levels of being and that this trilogy is the result of that path. This path and the spiritual guidance I received first led me to myself, then to Giza and afterwards to the other power places with their astonishing structures and builders and ultimately opened a completely new awareness of the connections between them.


Spiritual guidance

The first indication came when GIZA LEGACY was nearly complete and I also mentioned Mother Earth and power places in the comparison of the megalithic structures. Gabriel spoke the following words and also gave me a few tips and additions to the book, and in the end told me something very surprising:

„When you are ready, you will repeat the connections and transmissions which you received on your last trip to Giza at other locations on the planet as well. In this way you will recognize their connections, which you are not yet aware of, and also subsequently pass this knowledge on“

GAIA then spoke to me the first time during the next Giza excursion, after hours of meditation at the Solar Cross, the intersection of the ley lines on the plateau situated in front of the three pyramids (see page 75):

„Your prayer moved me deeply, you truly recognized me. And you sense and recognized that this is the place that unites all the other places. And if you like, you will visit and get to know them, and make the connection that in the new-old wisdom they bear the path of uplifting within them.“

She then guided my consciousness through the 14 primary power places, and thereby through this third volume of the GAIA LEGACY, which you now hold in your hands (even if it took two years longer than planned due to the difficult trip to Taklamakan in China and to Kailash in Tibet). Originally only two volumes were planned, GIZA LEGACY detailing human history on Earth, along with DEI LEGACY covering the creation and human history from the perspective of the spiritual world.

During this trip, it can said that my consciousness was raised when it came to Mother Earth, her tasks, the energy lines and the spiritual interactions between them. Compiling information about these places and the beings there led me to the knowledge that we all are all one, together with Mother Earth, and that the ascension of the turning point relates equally to GAIA and our entire solar system.


Power places and the energy grid 

Some megalithic structures situated on the main power places at the intersections of the energy grid network also point to the ascension of the worlds. They are connected through the five ley line waves and the electromagnetic fields and form various energy grids which are required for the uplifting of the vibrations. That is why is will explore these 7/14 places together and then also recognize that they too were aligned along the ley line grid before the shifting of the continents. Astonishingly, prehistoric advanced civilization possessed this knowledge, because the Lemurians and Atlanteans also built their above-ground and subterranean complexes at these spots, in dimensions using construction techniques they remain unmatched today, so that they could tap into then energy flows emitted by Mother Earth. We can do exactly the same thing today if we can again acquire this knowledge and apply it.

I was also able to learn a great deal from GAIA, who spoke to me multiple times, as well as from the spiritual beings at the 14 power places. Parts of their moving transmissions and perspectives are presented to you in the book at the end of each chapter. As an example, I‘d like to share an experience I had in October 2013 when I traveled around the holy mountain of Kailash on the three-day Kora, which was the last of the 14 power places that I visited. I retreated afterwards for a full day and night to the Tibetan Chiu Compa monastery, which is located directly at the center of the triangle between the Kailash and the Manasarovar and Rakshastal lakes. While there I was in a near constant state of meditation, ultimately mainly about the powerful perceptible energy connections and the grid network, the connection between which I longed to know. The being called Rasa finally spoke to me in the early hours of morning:

„You have now fully arrived; have once more connected your soul with the Buddha consciousness and looked upon the spiritual pyramid. You have gone and visited the 14 places and recognize the connections between them. Now pass this knowledge on to your fellow humans, even if you do not entirely understand how they are arranged. The wave-like energy gird will yet reveal the answer to you.“

That that is how it came to pass, though not until January 2014, when I drew various energy grids for the maps in the book. It was only then that I truly recognized and understood and finally put it all together in a harmonic order (see the maps on page 64 ff)


Environmental destruction

After the uplifting sections about the power places, comes the rather devastating part which provides an overview of the state of Mother Earth, from environmental destruction to climate change and the potential scenarios. We can all help GAIA, because we humans were actually intended as guardians and protectors of the Earth. Yet, humankind currently is doing precisely the opposite thing; it is poisoning the entire planet and thereby itself. We are destroying our basis for life and cultivation areas. Clean water grows ever scarcer and more valuable. Consequently, food for people and animals too grows scarcer; since the year 2000 the world‘s harvests no longer suffice to feed the world. Compounding this are the increasingly frequent epidemics such as AIDS and pandemics such as BSE, mad cow disease, SARS and swine flu which have killed millions of people and animals. The earthly micro and macrocosm are completely off balance.


Climate change 

Along with global environmental pollution, we will also offer several theories about climate change, especially the three essential things that have driven climate warming so far:

1. Warming of the planet through environmental destruction; in just 200 years of industrialization, humans have impacted climate change more powerfully than everyone and everything have ever done before, including the atmosphere and the electromagnetic grid. Twenty years of digital high-tech and the world stands on the edge of destruction. “Artificial intelligence” is taking over. It seems that humankind has ceased thinking for itself and lost meaning of life.

2. Solar warming caused by solar storms, which have had a major impact.

3. Warming of the Earth through galactic constellation, because the Earth is also subject to essentially larger cycles, such as the galactic conjunction and the photon ring every 26,000 years, which also usher in major earthly and spiritual changes.

These three causes are leading to a dramatic rise in temperature which is melting the ice caps at the poles and causing glaciers around the world to melt, which ultimately will cause Earth‘s climate to cool by 3-5 °C and lead to global starvation.


Environmental catastrophes

In the worst case, the combination of these influences will lead to continental shifts, as they did 13,000 years ago, when continent plates rose up and then sank by a kilometer. That is why natural catastrophes have increased massively over the past 200 years, both in frequency and intensity. In the last 14 years alone, since the turn of the century, scientists have recorded five times more environmental catastrophes than were recorded for the entire 20th century. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tornadoes and tsunamis are occurring more frequently and in the news we hear that they are the most powerful since records have been kept! Scientists are also saying that the combination of climate change and natural catastrophes could lead to pole shift, which will extensively change the Earth as we know it, if it does not destroy it entirely.


Do we still have a chance to survive?

GAIA LEGACY ended with an outlook of the next 24 years through the year 2036, but there are basically just two scenarios:

– People and the community of nations remain passive, everything carries on as it is and leads to catastrophic upheavals!

– Or we finally change and immediately alter our behavior both on a small and large scale, so that a soft transition is possible.

GAIA LEGACY is also intended to provide an earthly and spiritual comprehensive overview which makes it possible to see where we stand, what possibilities remain open to us and where we are heading…


Uplifting and ascension

The energetic state and consciousness in which humankind as well as Mother Earth are in will prove to be decisive when the planetary ascension occurs. This will probably happen between 2018 and 2024. However, do not be afraid, it will not be „end of the world“, but a massive lifting of the vibrations.

GAIA has a distinct task within the divine Plan of Redemption; she lovingly and selflessly serves the divine creation as well as the development and redemption of souls. Mother Earth enables us all to gather the experiences that our souls need to be able to ascend back to the higher levels. That also applies to the special turning point in which we now live, which should enable a collective ascension. As the people of Earth we now move through the 3rd and 4th dimensions, on the way to the 5th dimension, if the next uplifting of creation to these higher vibrations succeeds. About this GAIA says:

„This ascension is still possible if you safeguard the Earth from further destruction. The tasks of humankind that lead to this are the “DEI element” (the four aspects of divinity), „self-recognition“ (the divine matrix), the „unfolding of your loving potential“ and the „safeguarding of creation“!“

However, humankind is no longer listening to these quiet words and prefers to focus instead on loud media, consumption and digital technology which will ultimately destroy us and Mother Earth.

Therefore it is also decisive that humankind no longer simply continues destroying the environment and wasting our scarce resources without a care. With the proper understanding and behavior on a small scale (e.g. consumer behavior) and with specific actions by the united nations on a large scale (e.g. laws and thresholds), the Earth can be given relief so that it can still serve the realignment of the planets and the ascension of souls at this special turning point. Because without GAIA no collective ascension is possible, and this would mean a long period of waiting and purification for countless souls in the various dimensions of material creation. This would mean that “only” individual ascension will be possible, as previously, though many people have not yet achieved the necessary consciousness and would then have to remain on these three-dimensional levels for a further 26,000 year cycle (see the Four Cycle Calendar in Volume II, DEI LEGACY page 334 ff).

Therefore we should serve ourselves, our fellow humans, the animals, plants and Mother Earth, life itself, honor the Creator and walk into the light together on the path of love. If we do this, then the critical mass of awakened and conscious souls will be reached by the turning point and we will ascend together, together with our entire solar system and Mother Earth, from the 3rd to the 5th dimension. Then we will be in resonance with the blessing divinity that uplifts, penetrates and redeems everything with love until we return to the spiritual.

Together we will manage to navigate through this special turning point, to more conscious forms of life and being, which will offer us all a great deal of joy. That is the new old knowledge, in the light of wisdom and the love of creation. May we all recognize and be able to experience it.

Rico Paganini