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DEI currents in all 12 dimensions

The energies, vibrations and frequencies have been increasing and condensing since the 1970s. It seems that time is speeding up, and all areas of life are becoming denser and narrower.

For this new section of the ascension into a “golden age”, the DEI currents of light (God the Father), love (God the Mother), faith (Daughter of God) and, above all, redemptive power (Son of God) have also been increased, which will affect the entire universe. This will occur in gentle steps to ensure that it is manageable physically and in the magnetic fields for the solar system and the planets, as well as for people, animals and plants.

The gradual Plan of Redemption achieves the prerequisites for the great attempt at collective ascension by simultaneously increasing these DEI currents in all 12 material dimensions. This will happen within as well as beyond the spiritual worlds so that the balance of energies necessary for the dimensional ascension of the material creation is maintained.

These energies and vibrations are always bipolar, like plus and minus, or dual, like male and female.

Beginning with the so-called harmonic convergence of 1986, divine masculine energies flowed to Earth and raised the general consciousness (collective consciousness).

From the harmonic concordance of 2004 until 2012, more divine feminine energy flowed, awakening compassion and opening hearts. These years saw the rare double Venus transit. The second planet transited the sun at the harmonic concordance on June 8, 2004 and again on June 6, 2012. This special conjunction has offered new opportunities for spiritual growth, uniting male and female and connecting the two brain halves, since 2012.


Consciousness change

These divine galactic currents amplify and accelerate change in human consciousness in order to move humanity away from its technical, material and purely scientific orientation and lifestyle toward a spiritual view and lifestyle focused on life, the deity and ascension for the benefit of all created beings.

This change has been occurring over the last 200 years, during which humanity has developed from an almost exclusively agricultural society to a society of industrialization and technology. In the last 50 years, this constellation has given rise to a service society which is now developing via a knowledge and information society into a communication and networking society. This transition requires certain cyclical changes and phenomena that will make us aware and lead us to a higher consciousness through ourselves, the creation and the deity.

Now we should recognize the turning point and the divine Plan of Redemption and prepare ourselves for the coming changes so that we are ready and remain calm, for salvation is near.


Galactic alignment

Every 26,000 years, the material creation experiences a turning point caused by the galactic alignment. That means that our sun is in alignment with the central galactic sun. In addition, during the winter solstice of 2012, the Sun was located so that the Milky Way encircled the horizon at all points. The place where the Milky Way absorbs the Sun’s radiation is located in the so-called dark space, which is formed by interstellar dust clouds.


The four cyclical, 26,000-year calendars

This galactic alignment is the basis of the calendars of the Maya, the Veda, the Great Pyramid and astrology.

The four ancient cyclical calendars give us hope, for they show that a cycle of 26,000 years is coming to an end and a new one beginning. Thus, none of the four reflects an apocalypse; instead, they show a turning point in the cycle and indicate a subsequent spiritual age.

More in-depth information, comparisons and graphics concerning the galactic alignment and the four cyclical calendars can be found in Volume II: DEI LEGACY, page 334.


Photon belt  

We have already seen what photons are in the section on light (see page 24) and how they affect solar warming (see page 630). Science defines photons as particles of light that move in an electromagnetic field at the speed of light.

The photon belt (also called Manasic Belt or vibration) is a huge superordinate light phenomenon. In his book “Photon Belt”, Sheldan Nidle says that it has the shape of a thick ring with a diameter of 2,000 light years or 1,223,381 kilometers. This event also repeats every 26,000 years and thus takes its place in the galactic alignment. Every 24,000 years, our solar system passes through the photon belt for 2,000 years on its spiral-shaped orbit around the central suns of our galaxy in the Pleiades. These 2,000 years represent the golden age of light.

The photon belt is to convey the Earth, and with it all living beings, from the Third into the Fifth Dimension. Various sources claim entry times into this belt between the 1960s and the 1990s and into its center between 2012 and 2036. Most authors who write about the photon belt claim (often simply quoting one another) that the earth entered the belt in 2004, and since 2012, our entire solar system has been moving inside it; a calculation of time shows this to be impossible, however.

In the course of this transit, the photon belt, with its cosmic radiation that is many times what the Earth experienced previously will either destroy the planet with natural disasters or trigger a huge evolutionary leap. I also believe the ascension to still be possible, but this transition will take decades and its light frequency will become increasingly intense in our solar system and affect all life within it. Science confirms this.


“Finally, we have known since 1996 thanks to measurements from the Hubble telescope that the Earth and our solar system are moving through a powerful energy field of elevated gamma radiation. This is known as the ‘Manasic Ring’ or ‘Photon Belt’ and is the harbinger of the Fifth Dimension. This ring is a large, very powerfully bright zone of light consisting of photons. Astronomer Edmund Halley discovered this ring for the first time at the beginning of the 18th century. Paul Otto Hesse, another astronomer, confirmed the existence of the Photon Belt in 1953. This ring of light influences the electromagnetic field of the Earth and the Sun. Such changes are already in full swing. Perhaps you have also heard that the Mayans spoke of a strong radiation field holding the Earth – the ‘big beam’. Because the Earth and our solar system are already extremely close to this light field, it is accelerating consciousness more and more every day. Our DNA and chakra systems are being intensively influenced by this steady vibrational elevation. Thus we are moving towards a new energy (photon) age.”

(Zellmer – VII.2)


Once again, Prof. J.J. Hurtak provides the spiritual explanation in his “Keys of Enoch”:


Key 3-0-4

“2 A new source of Light is now reaching our solar system and interpenetrating Earth‘s magnetic field, altering the biological rhythms. This is forcing the species to leave behind its old time-cell of perception on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. […]

4 As the arcs of light begin to change, a different light force is beginning to work with the electromagnetic forces. This is causing the magnetic fields of the brain cavity to be sufficiently raised to a higher mental frequency, allowing Man to receive ‘Whole Light Beings’ who will give instruction as to the program of the next level of creation. […]

43 Thus, man must face the fact that magnetic field reversal, contributing to the rise and fall of species and civilizations, can occur very rapidly as a result of triggering events set in motion by cosmic oscillations in combination with the Earth’s magnetic field.”

(Hurtak – VII.3)



This is just a small excerpt from the book GAIA LEGACY.