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Continental drift and polar shift

The continental plates have been moving forever, their motion caused by the Earth‘s rotation and natural disasters, but they used to be much slower (see continental formation page 56).

But here, too, the massive damage to the environment and the extreme increase in natural disasters over the last 100 years have led to increased friction and faster shifts in the continental plates.


Continental drift


As a result of global warming, global natural disasters and continental movements, the Earth’s molten inner and outer core was able to grow to such an extent that the rock layers of the lower mantle overheated and increasingly melted to form lava, which seeks an outlet to the Earth‘s surface with tremendous force (see the graphic of the Earth on page 35).

If this were to continue, the continental plates of the upper mantle would no longer be anchored in rock and would therefore be set in motion by the Earth‘s rotation, shifting fluidly. The consequences would be truly catastrophic, triggering true cataclysms: a combination of fast continental drift with huge earthquakes and volcanic eruptions and awful floods caused by the increasingly frequent tsunamis from the world’s oceans.

It would not be the first time: about 13,000 years ago, almost the same thing, minus the continental drift, occurred when the Atlantic continent (around the Azores, between Europe and North America) sank and entire continental plates rose and sank by a distance of kilometers. That was also the reason why the relatively small Atlantic plate sank into the ocean around 11,000 BC. The face of the Earth had changed, but thankfully its fiercely hot core and its energy field remained intact. Despite the tremendous volcanic eruptions and global tsunami-driven floods that we read about in ancient texts of various cultures as “the Great Flood”.


Polar shift


A few scientists say that this combination of climate change, natural disasters and continental drift could also trigger a geographical polar shift that would vastly change the Earth‘s surface as we know it today and cause great destruction.

But first, we must distinguish between the different kinds of poles (see Fig. VI.23) and between a magnetic polar shift and a geographical polar shift.


Shift in magnetic poles

The magnetic North Pole has been moving for decades and between 2000 and 2005 alone moved by several degrees (1.4° N and 3.4° W).

But since 2006, an accelerating movement of the magnetic poles away from their current positions has been observed. Until 2014, this has not greatly affected people, but has already influenced aircraft navigational devices and navigation using a compass.

Of greater concern are the effects already observed on the migration routes of various species which help explain why more and more schools of whales beach themselves and flocks of migratory birds no longer find their nesting sites — they orient themselves by the magnetic poles.

Scientific calculations based on simulations have shown that there are periodic chaotic disturbances that lead to a magnetic field pole reversal and thus a magnetic pole shift.

There is speculation that the earth’s magnetic field is reversing polarity and forming an opposite field, a process which will bring about the collapse of the magnetic field much more quickly than previously assumed before the pole reversal takes place and the magnetic field can regenerate itself.

Such a polar shift would not be life threatening for people and animals, but it would cause further climatic changes.

Scientists say that the last polar shift occurred 740,000 years ago.

Edgar Cayce, an American, documented a conversation he had with a geologist in the 1930s who thought that the last magnetic polar shift happened 13,000 years ago. This appears logical and consistent with what I know about Atlantis. The basis of research was the world’s lava beds; they assumed that there must have been tremendous volcanic activity to cause such a shift, and their assumption appeared confirmed by a quality of the lava rock that allowed a magnetic polar shift to be stored and thus dated.


Geographical polar shift

Scientists believe that in the worst case, this continental drift could also lead to a geographical polar shift, meaning that the fluidly moving continental plates floating on the liquid inner sphere would continue to move and only slow down again when the poles of the Earth’s axis of rotation have readjusted themselves.

This is unlikely, but could happen, as Charles Hapgood documents in his 1958 book “Earth’s Shifting Crust”. His theory rests on two unusual rock layers that he discovered beneath the Earth’s crust. These layers become liquid under certain outer conditions and the Earth’s crust glides along them as though they were a film of soap. Other scientists followed his theory by using the same type of rock in physical experiments on miniature models of the Earth and doubling the conditions in the Earth’s interior. They confirmed Hapgood’s theory that the spherical mass of the Earth would glide on, continuing its rotational motion.


Albert Einstein lent the theory enormous traction when he wrote the foreword to Charles Hapgood’s book Earth’s Shifting Crust:

“I frequently receive communications from people who wish to consult me concerning their unpublished ideas. It goes without saying that these ideas are very seldom possessed of scientific validity. The very first communication, however, that I received from Mr. Hapgood electrified me. His idea is original, of great simplicity, and if it continues to prove itself, of great importance to everything that is related to the history of the earth‘s surface. […] The author has not confined himself to a simple presentation of this idea. He has also set forth, cautiously and comprehensively, the extraordinarily rich material that supports his displacement theory. I think that this rather astonishing, even fascinating, idea deserves the serious attention of anyone who concerns himself with the theory of the earth‘s development.”

(Drunvalo Melchizedek – VI.7.1)

“What is known is that for the last 500 years, the Earth‘s magnetic field has been continually weakening, and in the last few years, it has been doing absolutely bizarre things. According to Gregg Braden in ‘Awakening to Zero Point: the Collective Initiation’, the Earth‘s magnetic field actually began to weaken about 2,000 years ago. Then around 500 years ago, the weakening really began to accelerate. (Could it be 520 years? This would match the Mayan calendar, which predicted a huge change at that time.) In recent times, the magnetic field is making unheard-of changes.”

(Drunvalo Melchizedek – VI.7.2)


The spiritual aspects of this are once again provided by Prof. J.J. Hurtak in his book “Keys of Enoch”, beginning with continental drift and the magnetic fields, then put into context with the Great Pyramid in Giza (see Volume I Giza LEGACY, page 448):


Key 3-0-4

“46 The Earth‘s core, composed mostly of molten iron, conducts electric currents which amplify accompanying magnetic fields when energy wave bombardment pours in through the polar areas of the Earth.

47 Excessive cosmic wave bombardment transforms the iron core into a liquid plastic-like field which disrupts the state of energy equilibrium within the core of the Earth. […]

50 Furthermore, the transformation of the Earth‘s core into a liquid plastic-like field causes the core dynamo to act like an inner lubricant. This allows the shell of the planet to slide when the proper torque forces on the shell of the Earth are thrown into geomagnetic reversal. […]

52 We must understand that the geomagnetic reversals and the changing of the electromagnetic density are necessary parts of the recycling of human biochemical processes, as humanity passes into a new body of Light. In all of these fundamental changes, however, we must understand that there is no fixed ‘time scale’ in these changes from the standpoint of a singular relativity. The time factor is determined by a sliding criterion of events on a galactic and planetary scale matched with the spiritual activity of a Son universe directing the blueprint of ‘causal fertility.’”

(Hurtak -VI.8) 


Key 1-0-5

“26 In fact, the Great Pyramid is built on such a point where the magnetic fields under the Earth, those on the surface of the Earth and those on the celestial fields all cross so that the fields of alignment are direct.

27 These magnetic fields are aligned through ‘aerials’ of magnetic energy which mark the points where energies from outer space pour into the Earth‘s surface. These aerials are balanced on the Earth by the magnetic North and South Pole. And at the time when tremendous solar flare movements bombard these magnetic points of the Earth, the fields of the Earth will be set in cataclysmic imbalance, spinning the shell of the Earth to new magnetic meridians which find their balances equatorially.

28 And once man understands how the Great Pyramid is a geophysical model for these magnetic changes in the Earth, he will recognize that the Pyramid is the actual foundation stone placed directly in the ‘center of the Earth’.”

(Hurtak – VI.9)


We will all probably experience first-hand his accuracy when the GIZA LEGACY of the Great Pyramid is revealed and gives us new insights into our history and origins … (See Volume I: GIZA LEGACY)


This is just a small excerpt from the book GAIA LEGACY.