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Mother Earth GAIA –

The knowledge of ancient cultures

So far we have taken only a brief and fairly scientific look at creation, but even that is enough to produce reverence and humility. This background knowledge is essential to understand the connections from Mother Earth to the energy grids described in the following.

Wonder after wonder surrounds us in the nature of Mother Earth, which enfolds us on multiple levels – a divine cycle of endless symbioses, a microcosm in a macrocosm, corresponding to the spiritual worlds, harmonically materialized in divine creation.

The earth is truly a breathtaking and fascinating place and the basis of a wide variety of life forms. Plants, animals and humans find their living space on GAIA; she gives them everything they need to live: the air they breathe, the water they drink, the food they eat; without these prerequisites, no organic life form could survive.

This fantastic blue planet with its multifaceted landscape and nature is also unique place within our galaxy. Those who look with their hearts can recognize that it is impossible for everything we see and perceive to have arisen simply from a chain of “coincidences”.

We see this in the scriptures of the world religions and of the primitive peoples, all of which assume that there is a creator deity. In the following, we will first briefly examine the creation stories of the religions, then of the ancient cultures and primitive peoples; then we will compare them to today’s popular worldview.


This is just a small excerpt from the book GAIA LEGACY.