Holy Geometry and mathematics
Holy Geometry containing the numbers of mathematics is needed to manifest around the basics of creation. Holy Geometry is also called secret, hidden or Hermetic Geometry; it reveals what is behind physical existence in the underlying universe.
The 5 Platonic solids
Ultimately, there are, within any physical existence, only five shapes that form the basis of everything: cube, tetrahedron, octahedron, dodecahedron and icosahedron.
A Platonic body always has the following fundamental attributes:
– equal side lengths,
– enclosed by sides of equal length,
– equal interior angles between surfaces,
– within a sphere, all points touch the interior of the surface.
Incidentally, this is why some sources call the sphere the “sixth body”, but in physics, it only exists in theory, since it is comprised of atoms, making it a body with a great many corners. The five Platonic bodies taken together comprise all basic shapes upon which the structures of the Holy Geometry of creation are built; every shape in our material worlds and creations consists of these shapes or a combination of them. This makes them the foundation of all manifestations, of the atoms and the crystals, the elements and all cell structures of every living organism. This means that the Platonic bodies form the great foundation for creation upon which everything has been made manifest; it connects all parts of the creational basics and connecting them faciliates the creation and manifestation of everything we can perceive within and around us.
Note: They are called “Platonic bodies” because their correct context and significance are attributed to the Greek philosopher Plato. In his work, “Timaeus”, he describes the universal cosmology, which is based on connected geometric structures. But the knowledge that these five geometric bodies are the building blocks of the universe is much older than Plato. The Ashmolean Museum in Oxford houses models of Platonic bodies that have been determined to be 3,400 years old, meaning that they existed more than 1,000 years before Plato. The Cairo Museum has amazingly perfect models made of jewels that have been determined to be 3,000 years old.
These two shapes from the Holy Geometry have special significance for us personally.
Metatron’s Cube
This “cube” is a geometric and mathematical miracle that contains and unifies all five Platonic bodies. The shape, which is three-dimensional in space, is not really a cube, but a star shape which, in esoteric circles, is called the Mother Star.
The Flower of Life
The beautiful “Flower of Life” is contained in Metatron’s Cube and, in turn, contains the creation patterns and the “fruit of life”. It is thought to have arisen directly from the creative thoughts of the deity. This geometrical and magical symbol can be found in many ancient texts and also in structures: in Egypt, for example, in the Osireion, the megalithic temple in Abydos from Seti I and in Israel in ancient synagogues such as Galill and Mesada. In the book of the same name, Thoth or Hermes Trismegistos the Greater explains the greater context:
“I know this is an outrageous statement […] but this one drawing, according to Thoth, contains within its proportions every single aspect of life there is. It contains every single mathematical formula, every law of physics, every harmony in music, every biological life form right down to your specific body. It contains every atom, every dimensional level, absolutely everything that’s within waveform universes.”
(Melchizedek Drunvalo – 1.4)
Much more information and fascinating quotes concerning the foundations of the material creation can be found in Volume II: DEI LEGACY, pp. 72 ff. And from these foundations, our universe opens itself to us.
This is just a small excerpt from the book GAIA LEGACY.