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Space is fundamentally a spatial field, a kind of container for matter and fields that absorbs multi-dimensional manifestations from the process of creation into itself and thus makes their very existence possible. From a human perspective, spaces are three-dimensional, defined by height, breadth and width.

However, the concept of space has undergone incredible changes in the course of the development of physics and the sciences, particularly in the last 20 years. It has been redefined once again by string theory, neutrino theory and quantum physics. New spatial levels are constantly being discovered.

The CERN high-tech institute in Geneva, where underground tests simulating the Big Bang as the origin of the universe 15 billion years ago are carried out with huge particle accelerators, should be mentioned in this context. The simulations are an attempt to discover what was “before” or “on the other side” that caused or set in motion the ongoing expansion of space-time. We will return to this point.

The experts work with the image of a membrane with hyperspace “on the other side”. That image is also correct spiritually speaking; these worlds lie next to each other or within each other and the essential difference between the worlds is their vibrations, which, simply put, are on a high and a low wave-length, respectively.



Dimension is almost as easy and as difficult to comprehend as space, for which it provides the parameters. Thus, 12 dimensions also exist in the material creation and the thirteenth is the bridge between the two worlds. The dimensional levels correspond to the basic wave forms and vibration wavelengths that permeate space at different speeds. Here, too, science is converging with the spiritual view of more than four dimensions that actually reflect more vibration levels.

The concept of dimension arises in many contexts but so far, no single mathematical concept has been able to satisfactorily explain dimensions for all fields. This is why science has different dimensional terms for various spaces, such as the Hamel dimension with its vector space, the Schauder dimension with its diversity and the topological dimension with its chain length.

String theory is also based on multiple dimensions or parallel levels and comes very close to the truth:

“According to string theory, the universe must consist of ten or even eleven dimensions. That is far more than the four that we experience every day: length, width, depth and time. String theoreticians assume that these extra dimensions are rolled up into strings so tiny that we simply overlook them. We normally do not even notice the thickness of a piece of paper.”

(Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz – I.2)


To the question of the number of spatial dimensions, the brilliant astrophysicist Stephen Hawking answers:

“More than the four that are accessible to our know-how. Space may hide countless additional worlds. Time began with the Big Bang and will end with a black hole.” 

What would God say about his theories? “I hope he would smile. If not, I would be in big trouble.”

(ORF Science – I.3)


This is just a small excerpt from the book GAIA LEGACY.