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The 8 Merkaba Places


The connections of six of the main power places with the North and South Poles produce the shape of the MerKaBa, the star tetrahedron from the Holy Geometry of creation and the Platonic bodies.


These are the 8 Merkaba Places on Earth, because connected they show the form of the Merkaba inside GAIA. An asterisk tetrahedron, formed out of 2 triangle pyramids inside eachother (Tetrahedron, form of the “Sacred Geometry“).



 2KA LAE (Hawaii, USA)

 3 – SETE CIDADES (Azores, Portugal)

 4 – TAKLAMAKAN (China)

 5 – RAPA NUI (Easter Island, Chile)

 6 – MADAGASCAR (Madagascar)

 7 – OVALAU (Viti Levu, Fiji)



It becomes exciting, how the placements shift and takes the form of a “MERKABA-MATRIX“, if we retrace the continental drift up to the time of Atlantis, approx. 30’000 – 10’000 B.C… (see Video-Animation)



This is just a small excerpt from the book GAIA LEGACY.